How to Add infiniteGrid to your viewer using Grid manager:
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basic help
Really basic help for newbies.
Infinite Grid is a private grid, and we take privacy very seriously here. We have no interest in your real life. There are two things we need to know however. A valid email address, and your date of birth.
This is your first step in becoming a member. Please wait for your validation email, then follow the instrutions it contains.
The validation email method is a common way web sites try to keep spammers out of their systems. It's not perfect, but there are other methods we use to help with that task. On the other hand, email providers like to keep spammers out to, and sometimes they think that emails with lots of links in them are spam. So if you don't get your validation email soon, check your spam folder.
Infinte Grid is a private little world for our friends.
By "friends" we mean the friends of the grid founders, our friends, friends of our friends, all the way to complete strangers, so long as they are a friend of someone we know.
By "world" we mean a 3D virtual world (usually called a "grid") based on OpenSim/SecondLife technology. The stuff on this web site is for supporting the in world stuff for our members.
The instructions for becoming an Infinite Grid member.